Damon L. Jacobs: Looking back at this wild past year, what advice would you give yourself knowing what you know now?
Adam Mayfield: Relax. And enjoy it. Because you’ve earned it. Relax, you’re right where you need to be.
Damon L. Jacobs: When you think about that, do you really feel stressed about the material?
Adam Mayfield: It helps tremendously. And I don’t think I realized that until right now so I’m glad you asked me that.
Damon L. Jacobs: I sincerely believe our thoughts are so powerful in determining our emotional experience.
Adam Mayfield: I agree and I wanted to touch on that. I think what I got most out of your book was the idea of Core Beliefs. I think if you can change you Core Beliefs, or at least identify Core Beliefs, then you can take that anywhere. You can see that none of these thought patterns and these emotions are real, they are just mistaken beliefs that you’ve learned. It’s that simple. All this is is rewiring the brain, and then you can change your life. If you can identify your Core Beliefs then you are more than half way there.

Damon L. Jacobs: I agree. It’s like physical exercise. You don’t just go to the gym and say, “Okay, I look good, I don’t have to do this anymore.” It’s a process.
Adam Mayfield: No, you have to do it the rest of your life.
Damon L. Jacobs: What Core Beliefs may be holding you back right now?
Adam Mayfield: That I’m not good enough. And I say that objectively. I’m able to see that for what it is. It’s just a belief, it’s just a thought pattern. It’s this idea of self-diminishment. “Diminishment” really sums it up. Where did I get the idea? Yeah, family, I guess. I don’t know. But I think that underlies just about everything.
And in recent years I’ve become aware of how selfish that is. The idea of “selfishness” is generally applied to people who think too highly of themselves and look down on others. But I think “selfishness” applies just as equally to people who put others on a pedastal and look down on themselves. I think that is just as selfish, just in reverse. If you can focus on helping other people...if you want self-esteem then do esteemable things. But I also believe that being too down on yourself is just as selfish as arrogance.
I think where a lot of therapy falls short is coming from a place of building up one’s own self-esteem and as opposed to focusing your attention outwards and helping other people. I’m not saying affirmations are bad. But maybe couple that with getting the focus off yourself. What I’ve found is that if you spend too much time doing this work on making you feel better about yourself, then you still get stuck in this selfish rut. You never really get better, you just have these moments where you feel better and come right down. I think the cure comes from really focusing on helping other people, putting the attention out there as opposed to keeping it in here, even if you think you’re fixing yourself.
For more of the my interview with Adam Mayfield, please go to We Love Soaps.
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