I should clean the house
I should go to the gym
I should be making more money
I should lose weight
I shouldn't still be grieving this loss
I should go to the gym
I should be making more money
I should lose weight
I shouldn't still be grieving this loss
I should be getting more work done
I should call my parents more often
I should stop eating the leftover Halloween candy
..And many many more. Everyone who gave up their "shoulds" last year reported feeling better that day. Some felt so good that they decided to give up them the next day too! Crazy as it seems, people generally live more calm and fulfilled lives when they give up the word "should." Go figure!
Remember, a "should" is any rigid thought you carry about yourself, the people around you, and the world. It is NOT necessarily tied to your action. For example, you could give up your "should" about going to the gym, and then still go to the gym. It's not about what you do or don't do, it's about the thoughts and beliefs you are carrying as you move through you life.
Here's how it works: at 2pm EST (11am PST) I will be doing a special one hour broadcast on blogtalk radio with the beautiful and "should-less" actress Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie from GENERAL HOSPITAL). People will be invited to call in and discuss the "should" they are willing to try to give up for one day, and any obstacles to having a "should-less" day. Following that event I will be holding a Twitter conference answering questions about "shoulds", or anything else I am asked.
Keep checking back on this page for updates about events, contests, giveaways, and more! And get ready to have one of the best "should-less" days of your life!!
Damon L. Jacobs is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist seeing individuals, couples, and families in New York City. He is also the author of "Absolutely Should-less: The Secret to Living the Stress-Free Life You Deserve."
Huh. I should post a comment. Not!
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