Friday, April 3, 2009

Kathy Brier!

Those of you reading this blog may not have any idea how much Kathy Brier has impacted the ideas in "Absolutely Should-less." Part of my impetus for writing was the frustration with where my career was going in New York, and difficulties finding the kind of work I wanted to do. Nevertheless, I still had those internal voices saying to me, "Why are you writing this, no one is going to care to read this, why bother?"

So I took a break from writing and went to see Kathy Brier sing in Manhattan. This amazing actress from One Life to Live and Broadway's Hairspray took the audience on an amazing journey. Singing sassy rock, soft ballads, wicked humor ("gay bacon?"), this young woman was a shining reminder to me that I had a right to pursue my career and my dreams on my own terms.

I had the privilege of interviewing Ms. Brier on the Rock the Soap cruise last week. Please press here to read how she continues to help millions of viewers every day live their "one life" on their own terms.

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